Judi, Zane, Bob – Mtg Notes 7/12/2019


Phase I

General concept – Initial tool paid for by Go2Zero and used by G2Z to develop leads for consulting work.

No charge to use the initial tool section.

Platform co-branded for Go2zero and Mobius (MIS)

Remaining work to be completed

1. Complete UI/UX for website

2. Search engine optimization (SEO) for SB 1383 Compliance.

3. Complete functions and dashboard


Dev price $3,500 paid by G2Z to MIS; 50% retainer, 50% upon public launch.


Phase 2

If phase 1 roll-out indicates strong market demand phase 2 dev would commence.

Complete a more comprehensive survey to assess 1383 compliance

Identify action items that can be taken to optimize ROI of compliance efforts

– Action Planning
– Organics Processing
– Collection Agreements
– Ordinance Development
– Contamination Monitoring and Enforcement
– Education and Reporting
– Food Recovery

SB 1383 2019 Local Government Summits: August 1 and September 12


Completing phase 2 comprehensive survey would require a payment, which would go to Mobius

All zero waste or smm consulting leads would go to Go2zero

All technical development, web/app platforms, or data analytics leads would go to Mobius

Dev Price = $0 ; MIS would generate revenue via survey fees paid online, and MIS (tech) and G2Z (smm) consulting fees generated through the platform.


Questions and Comments?


Should we consider partnering with John Moore to provide him with legal compliance referrals in exchange for assisting with comprehensive compliance survey?